Research Seminar By Mauricio Aniche copy
Title: Test selection at Adyen
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Seminar by Jacques Klein (University of Luxembourg) on Fri 14 February at 13:00
Seminar: A Journey Through Android App Analysis
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2 Assistant/Associate Prof. Positions in Software Architecture and Engineering
The Software and Sustainability (S2) Research Group invites applications for two open positions at the Assistant/Associate Professor level, specializing in Software Architecture and Software Engineering.
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Adam Bouafa (Green Lab student) won the Green Waves Hackathon 2024 at TUDelft
Imagine a world where you make a conscious choice every time you upload a file to the Cloud towards a greener planet. That’s the ambitious vision behind the Think Before You Save project by Adam Bouafia, a student of the 2024/2025 edition of the Green Lab course who is attending...
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