Title: Test selection at Adyen

Where: NU-3A67

When: Tuesday March 18, 11:00

Speaker: Mauricio Aniche


If you work on a large-scale software system, odds are that a significant part of your build goes to test execution. It so often happens that you change one line of code but you get thousands of tests running, even though the majority of those tests don’t even get close to that line of code. This happens because build tools don’t know much about what your tests really cover and because they are quite conservative. Test selection is a problem that software engineering researchers have been working on for decades now. In this talk, I’ll describe all the technical details of how we’ve implemented our own test selection algorithm at Adyen. The benefits were significant: 30x reduction in test case execution, 12x reduction in CPU time, and pipelines 10%-30% faster.


Dr. Maurício Aniche’s life mission is to help software engineers to become better and more productive. Maurício leads the Testing Enablement team at Adyen, which focuses on making sure engineers have the best tools at hand to ensure the quality of their systems. Maurício was also an assistant professor of software engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (2019-2024). His research back then was focused on many different aspects of software quality. His teaching efforts in software testing gave him the Computer Science Teacher of the Year 2021 award and the TU Delft Education Fellowship, a prestigious fellowship given to innovative lecturers. He’s the author of Effective Software Testing: A Developer’s Guide (2022) and Simple Object-Oriented Design: Create clean, maintainable applications (2024), both published by Manning.
