- title: “Building and evaluating a theory of architectural technical debt in software-intensive systems” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Philippe Kruchten and Patricia Lago and Ivano Malavolta type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2021.110925 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JSS_2021.pdf year: 2021
- title: “Robot Runner: A Tool for Automatically Executing Experiments on Robotics Software” authors: Stan Swanborn and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: url: https://github.com/S2-group/robot-runner/tree/master/documentation/ICSE_2021.pdf year: 2021
- title: “Energy Efficiency in Robotics Software: A Systematic Literature Review” authors: Stan Swanborn and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW ‘20)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/sustainable_se_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “A Framework for the Automatic Execution of Measurement-based Experiments on Android Devices” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Eoin Martino Grua and Cheng-Yu Lam and Randy de Vries and Franky Tan and Eric Zielinski and Michael Peters and Luuk Kaandorp type: conference venue: “35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW ‘20)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/A_Mobile_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “From 6.2 to 0.15 seconds - an Industrial Case Study on Mobile Web Performance” authors: Jasper van Riet and Flavia Paganelli and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)” doi: 10.1109/ICSME46990.2020.00084 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSME_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Trends and Challenges for Software Engineering in the Mobile Domain” authors: Luciano Baresi and William Griswold and Grace Lewis and Marco Autili and Ivano Malavolta, Ivano and Christine Julien type: article venue: “IEEE Software” doi: 10.1109/MS.2020.2994306 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/IEEE_Software_2021.pdf year: 2021
- title: “Leave my Apps Alone! A Study on how Android Developers Access Installed Apps on User’s Device” authors: Gian Luca Scoccia and Ibrahim Kanj and Ivano Malavolta and Kaveh Razavi type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: 10.1145/3387905.3388594 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MOBILESoft_iam_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Evaluating the Impact of Caching on the Energy Consumption and Performance of Progressive Web Apps” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Katerina Chinnappan and Lukas Jasmontas and Sarthak Gupta and Kaveh Ali Karam Soltany type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: 10.1145/3387905.3388593 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MOBILESoft_Caching_PWA_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “ATDx: Building an Architectural Technical Debt Index” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Patricia Lago and Ivano Malavolta and Ipek Ozkaya type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, {ENASE} 2020, Prague, Czech Republic” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ENASE_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “An Action Research for Improving the Sustainability Assessment Framework Instruments” authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Patricia Lago and Miguel R. Luaces and Angeles S. Places type: article venue: “Sustainability” doi: url: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/4/1682 year: 2020
- title: “How do you Architect your Robots? State of the Practice and Guidelines for ROS-based Systems” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Grace Lewis and Bradley Schmerl and Patricia Lago and David Garlan type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 42nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_SEIP_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Investigating the correlation between performance scores and energy consumption of mobile web apps” authors: Kwame {Chan Jong Chu} and Tanjina Islam {Miguel Morales} Exposito and Sanjay Sheombar and Christian Valladares and Olivier Philippot and {Eoin Martino} Grua and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering (EASE)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/EASE_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Characterizing the evolution of statically-detectable performance issues of Android apps” authors: Teerath Das and Massimiliano {Di Penta} and Ivano Malavolta type: article venue: “Empirical Software Engineering” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/EMSE_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Enhancing Trustability of Android Applications via User-Centric Flexible Permissions” authors: Gian Luca Scoccia and Ivano Malavolta and Marco Autili and Amleto Di Salle and Paola Inverardi type: article venue: “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/TSE_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “Modelling and predicting User Engagement in mobile applications” authors: Eduardo Barbaro and Eoin Martino Grua and Ivano Malavolta and Mirjana Stercevic and Esther Weusthof and Jeroen van den Hoven type: article venue: “Data Science” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/DataScience_2020.pdf year: 2020
- title: “CluStream-GT: Online Clustering for Personalization in the Health Domain” authors: Eoin Martino Grua and Mark Hoogendoorn and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago and A.E. Eiben type: conference venue: “18th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/WI_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Permission Issues in Open-source Android Apps: An Exploratory Study” authors: Gian Luca Scoccia and Anthony Peruma and Virginia Pujols and Ivano Malavolta and Daniel E. Krutz type: conference venue: “19th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SCAM_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “DecidArch: Playing Cards as Software Architects” authors: P. Lago and Cai, {Jia F.} and {de Boer}, R.C. and Philippe Kruchten and R. Verdecchia type: conference venue: “52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)” doi: url: year: 2019
- title: “DecidArch: Playing Cards as Software Architects” authors: {de Boer}, R.C., P. Lago, R. Verdecchia and Philippe Kruchten type: conference venue: “3rd International Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH)” doi: url: year: 2019
- title: “Scalable Approaches for Test Suite Reduction” authors: Cruciani, Emilio and Miranda, Breno and Verdecchia, Roberto and Bertolino, Antonia type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: url: year: 2019
- title: “Identifying Architectural Technical Debt: Moving Forward” authors: Roberto Verdecchia type: conference venue: “IEEE International Conference On Software Architecture” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “FAST Approaches to Scalable Similarity-based Test Case Prioritization” authors: Miranda, Breno and Cruciani, Emilio and Verdecchia, Roberto and Bertolino, Antonia type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “Identifying Architectural Technical Debt in Android Applications through Compliance Checking” authors: Roberto Verdecchia type: conference venue: “International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “Code-level Energy Hotspot Localizationvia Naive Spectrum Based Testing” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Achim Guldner and Yannick Becker and Eva Kern type: conference venue: “International Conference On Enviromental Informatics” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “Towards a sustainable business model for smartphones: Combining product-service systems with modularity.” authors: Schneider, Alice Frantz and Matinfar, Sepideh and Grua, Eoin Martino and Casado-Mansilla, Diego and Cordewener, Lars type: conference venue: “ICT4S” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “Exploring Clustering Techniques for Effective Reinforcement Learning based Personalization for Health and Wellbeing” authors: Grua, Eoin Martino and Hoogendoorn, Mark type: conference venue: “2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)” doi: url: year: 2018
- title: “Self-Adaptation in Mobile Apps: a Systematic Literature Study” authors: Eoin Martino Grua and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAMS_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Managing Safety and Mission Completion via Collective Run-time Adaptation” authors: Darko Bozhinoski and David Garlan and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione type: article venue: “Journal of Systems Architecture” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JSA_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Navigation-aware and Personalized Prefetching of Network Requests in Android Apps” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Francesco Nocera and Patricia Lago and Marina Mongiello type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2019_NAPPA.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Guidelines for Architecting Android Apps: A Mixed-Method Empirical Study” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “2019 {IEEE} International Conference on Software Architecture, {ICSA} 2019, Hamburg, Germany” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSA_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Safety for Mobile Robotic Systems: a Systematic Mapping Study from a Software Engineering Perspective” authors: Darko Bozhinoski and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione and Ivica Crnkovic type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JSS_ROB_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Architecting with microservices: A systematic mapping study” authors: Paolo Di Francesco and Patricia Lago and Ivano Malavolta type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2019.01.001 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JSS_MSA_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “State of the Art of Cyber-Physical Systems Security: an Automatic Control perspective” authors: Yuriy Zacchia Lun and Alessandro D’Innocenzo and Francesco Smarra and Ivano Malavolta and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2018.12.006 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JSS_CPS_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “An Extensible Data-Driven Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Microservice Architectures” authors: Mario Cardarelli and Ludovico Iovino and Paolo Di Francesco and Amleto Di Salle and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2019, Limassol, Cyprus, April 08-12, 2019” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ACM_SAC_2019.pdf year: 2019
- title: “Datasets of Android Applications: a Literature Review” authors: Franz-Xaver Geiger and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “arXiv 1809.10069” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/android_datasets_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “A4WSN: an architecture-driven modelling platform for analysing and developing WSNs” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Leonardo Mostarda and Henry Muccini and Enver Ever and Krishna Doddapaneni and Orhan Gemikonakli type: article venue: “{Software {\&} Systems Modeling}” doi: 10.1007/s10270-018-0687-0 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SOSYM_2018_A4WSN.pdf year: 2018
- title: “How Maintainability Issues of Android Apps Evolve” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Roberto Verdecchia and Bojan Filipovic and Magiel Bruntink and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2018, Madrid, Spain, September 24-29, 2018” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSME_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Envisaging L’Aquila. Strategies, spatialities and sociabilities of a post-disaster city” authors: Francesco Gallo and Ludovico Iovino and Enzo Falco and Ivano Malavolta and Adam Radzimski and Stefano Ruberto type: book venue: “Envisaging L’Aquila. Strategies, spatialities and sociabilities of a post-disaster city” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/envisaging_laquila_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Architecture Practices for Complex Contexts” authors: John Klein type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/architecture-practices-for-complex-contexts year: 2017
- title: “Software Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging Systems” authors: Grace A. Lewis type: thesis venue: “ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/software-architecture-strategies-for-cyber-foraging-systems year: 2016
- title: “Energy Efficient Software” authors: Giuseppe Procaccianti type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam \& Politecnico di Torino” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/energy-efficient-software year: 2015
- title: “Architectural Knowledge Management: Supporting Architects and Auditors” authors: Remco C. de Boer type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/architectural-knowledge-management-supporting-architects-and-audi year: 2009
- title: “Architectural Knowledge Management: Supporting Architects and Auditors” authors: Rik Farenhorst type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: hhttps://research.vu.nl/en/publications/architectural-knowledge-management-supporting-architects-and-audi-2 year: 2009
- title: “Guiding Service-Oriented Software Engineering: A View-based Approach” authors: Qing Gu type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/guiding-service-oriented-software-engineering-a-view-based-approa year: 2011
- title: “Architectural Knowledge Management in Global Software Development” authors: Viktor Clerc type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: hhttps://research.vu.nl/en/publications/architectural-knowledge-management-in-global-software-development year: 2011
- title: “Knowledge-driven Migration to Services” authors: Maryam Razavian type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/knowledge-driven-migration-to-services year: 2013
- title: “Supporting Networked Software Development” authors: Damian A. Tamburri type: thesis venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/supporting-networked-software-development year: 2014
- title: “The Sustainability of Mobility as a Service Solutions Evaluated through the Software Sustainability Assessment Method” authors: Tom Niggebrugge and Sophie Vos and Patricia Lago type: other venue: “” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/files/46162775/MaaS_SoSA_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Reducing the Effort for Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering” authors: Francesco Osborne and Henry Muccini and P. Lago and Enrico Motta type: other venue: “” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/files/45435544/edam_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “The Influence of Green Strategies Design onto Quality Requirements Prioritization” authors: {Condori Fernandez}, Nelly and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-77243-1_12 url: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-77243-1_12 year: 2018
- title: “Empirical Evaluation of the Energy Impact of Refactoring Code Smells” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Rene Aparicio Saez and Giuseppe Procaccianti and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability” doi: 10.29007/dz83 url: https://easychair.org/publications/paper/MxpT year: 2018
- title: “A Comparative Analysis of Green ICT Maturity Models” authors: David Lautenschutz and Sergio Espana and Albert Hankel and Sietse Overbeek and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability” doi: 10.29007/5hgz url: https://easychair.org/publications/paper/4Jnq year: 2018
- title: “Undesigning the Internet: An exploratory study of reducing everyday Internet connectivity” authors: Kelly Widdicks and Tina Ringenson and Daniel Pargman and Vishnupriya Kuppusamy and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability” doi: 10.29007/s221 url: https://easychair.org/publications/paper/VjQ1 year: 2018
- title: “Assessing the impact of the awareness level on a co-operative game” authors: {Miguel A.} Teruel and Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Elena Navarro and Pascual Gonzalez and Patricia Lago type: article venue: “Information and Software Technology” doi: 10.1016/j.infsof.2018.02.008 url: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950584918300314 year: 2018
- title: “Execution of UML models: a systematic review of research and practice” authors: Federico Ciccozzi and Ivano Malavolta and Bran Selic type: article venue: “{Software {\&} Systems Modeling}” doi: 10.1007/s10270-018-0675-4 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SOSYM_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: a Classification Framework and a Research Map” authors: Mirco Franzago and Ivano Malavolta and Davide Di Ruscio and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2018_JournalFirst.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Characterizing the contribution of quality requirements to software sustainability” authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Patricia Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2017.12.005 url: http://hdl.handle.net/1871.1/00b6e856-3600-449d-81f4-042163df91c5 year: 2018
- title: “Transparency and Contracts: Continuous Integration and Delivery in the Automotive Ecosystem” authors: {van der Valk}, Rob and Patrizio Pelliccione and Patricia Lago and Rogardt Heldal and Eric Knauss and Jacob Juul type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion” doi: url: https://research.vu.nl/admin/files/48444364/ICSE2018_SEIP.pdf year: 2018
- title: “An Investigation into Android Run-time Permissions from the End Users’ Perspective” authors: Gian Luca Scoccia and Ivano Malavolta and Marco Autili and Amleto Di Salle and Paola Inverardi type: conference venue: “5th IEEE/ACM International Conference} on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/mobilesoft_2018_permissions.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Self-Reported Activities of Android Developers” authors: Luca Pascarella and Franz-Xaver Geiger and Fabio Palomba and Dario Di Nucci and Ivano Malavolta and Alberto Bacchelli type: conference venue: “5th IEEE/ACM International Conference} on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/mobilesoft_2018_self.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Migrating towards Microservice Architectures: an Industrial Survey” authors: Paolo {Di Francesco} and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, ICSA 2018, Seattle, USA, April 30 - May 4, 2018” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSA_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps” authors: Franz-Xaver Geiger and Ivano Malavolta and Luca Pascarella and Fabio Palomba and Dario Di Nucci and Ivano Malavolta and Alberto Bacchelli type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MSR_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Architectural Technical Debt Identification: the Research Landscape” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “International Conference on Technical Debt” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/TechDebt_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “An Extensible Approach for Taming the Challenges of JavaScript Dead Code Elimination” authors: Niels Groot Obbink and Ivano Malavolta and Gian Luca Scoccia and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SANER_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: a Classification Framework and a Research Map” authors: Mirco Franzago and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: article venue: “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering” doi: 10.1109/TSE.2017.2755039 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/TSE_2018.pdf year: 2018
- title: “Smart City L’Aquila: An Application of the Infostructure Approach to Public Urban Mobility in a Post-Disaster Context” authors: Enzo Falco and Ivano Malavolta and Adam Radzimski and Stefano Ruberto and Ludovico Iovino and Francesco Gallo type: article venue: “Journal of Urban Technology” doi: http://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2017.1362901 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JUT_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Estimating Energy Impact of Software Releases and Deployment Strategies: the KPMG Case Study” authors: Roberto Verdecchia and Giuseppe Procaccianti and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago and Joost Koedijk type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 11th {ACM/IEEE} International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, {ESEM} 2017, Toronto, Canada, November 9-10, 2017” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ESEM_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Current Research Topics and Trends in the Software Architecture Community: ICSA 2017 Workshops Summary” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Rafael Capilla type: conference venue: “2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ICSAW)” doi: 10.1109/ICSAW.2017.28 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSA_WS_Report_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Report from the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (COMMitMDE 2016)” authors: Sebastien Gerard and Dimitrios S. Kolovos and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes” doi: 10.1145/3041765.3041773 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/commitmde_report_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Assessing the Impact of Service Workers on the Energy Efficiency of Progressive Web Apps” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Giuseppe Procaccianti and Paul Noorland and Petar Vukmirovic type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, MOBILESoft ‘17, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 2017” doi: 10.1109/MOBILESoft.2017.7 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Mobilesoft_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “MicroART: A Software Architecture Recovery Tool for Maintaining Microservice-based Systems” authors: Giona Granchelli and Mario Cardarelli and Paolo Di Francesco and Ivano Malavolta and Ludovico Iovino and Amleto Di Salle type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSA_2017_tool.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Towards Recovering the Software Architecture of Microservice-based Systems” authors: Giona Granchelli and Mario Cardarelli and Paolo Di Francesco and Ivano Malavolta and Ludovico Iovino and Amleto Di Salle type: conference venue: “2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops, ICSA Workshops 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 5-7, 2017” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/AMS_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Research on Architecting Microservices: Trends, Focus, and Potential for Industrial Adoption” authors: Paolo Di Francesco and Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, ICSA 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 3-7, 2017” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSA_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “User-centric Android Flexible Permissions” authors: Gian Luca Scoccia and Ivano Malavolta and Marco Autili and Amleto Di Salle and Paola Inverardi type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion” doi: 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.84 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2017_poster1.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Envisioning the Future of Collaborative Model-driven Software Engineering” authors: Mirco Franzago and Ivano Malavolta and Davide Di Ruscio and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion” doi: 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.143 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2017_poster2.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Engineering the Software of Robotic Systems” authors: Federico Ciccozzi and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione and Jana Tumova type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2017_TB.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Model-Driven Engineering for Mission-Critical IoT Systems” authors: Federico Ciccozzi and Ivica Crnkovic and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione and Romina Spalazzese type: article venue: “IEEE Software” doi: 10.1109/MS.2017.1 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/IEEE_software_2017.pdf year: 2017
- title: “Beyond Native Apps: Web Technologies to the Rescue! (Keynote)” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Development” doi: 10.1145/3001854.3001863 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/splash_2016_workshop_keynote.pdf year: 2016
- title: “Adopting MDE for Specifying and Executing Civilian Missions of Mobile Multi-Robot Systems” authors: Federico Ciccozzi and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione type: article venue: “IEEE Access” doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2613642 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/IEEE_access_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “A Quantitative and Qualitative Investigation of Performance-Related Commits in Android Apps” authors: Teerath Das and Massimiliano Di Penta and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2016, Raleigh, NC, USA, October 2-7, 2016” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSME_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “Automatic Generation of detailed Flight Plans from High-level Mission Descriptions” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione and Massimo Tivoli type: conference venue: “ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MODELS_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “Leveraging Collective Run-time Adaptation for UAV-based Systems” authors: Darko Bozhinoski and Antonio Bucchiarone and Ivano Malavolta and Annapaola Marconi and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “42th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAA_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “Leveraging Web Analytics for Automatically Generating Mobile Navigation Models” authors: Andrea Salini and Ivano Malavolta and Fabrizio Rossi type: conference venue: “IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, MS 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2016” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MS_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “On the Use of Component-Based Principles and Practices for Architecting Cyber-Physical Systems” authors: Ivica Crnkovic and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Mohammad Sharaf type: conference venue: “19th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)” doi: 10.1109/CBSE.2016.9 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/CBSE_2016.pdf year: 2016
- title: “Web-based hybrid mobile apps: state of the practice and research opportunities” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, MOBILESoft ‘16, Austin, Texas, USA, May 14-22, 2016” doi: 10.1145/2897073.2897133 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Mobilesoft_2016_tutorial.pdf year: 2016
- title: “FLYAQ: Enabling Non-Expert Users to Specify and Generate Missions of Autonomous Multicopters” authors: Darko Bozhinoski and Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione and Massimo Tivoli type: conference venue: “Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ASE_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “Sustainable Safety in Mobile Multi-Robot Systems via Collective Adaptation” authors: Darko Bozhinoski and Ivano Malavolta and Antonio Bucchiarone and Annapaola Marconi type: conference venue: “Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SASO_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “Perspectives on static analysis of mobile apps (invited talk)” authors: Marco Autili and Ivano Malavolta and Alexander Perucci and Gian Luca Scoccia type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile, DeMobile 2015, Bergamo, Italy” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Demobile_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “A Preliminary Study on Architecting Cyber-Physical Systems” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Mohammad Sharaf type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 2015 European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops” doi: 10.1145/2797433.2797453 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SANCS_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “Automatically bridging UML profiles to MOF metamodels” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Marco Sebastiani type: conference venue: “Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2015 41st Euromicro Conference on” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAA_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “End Users’ Perception of Hybrid Mobile Apps in the Google Play Store” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Stefano Ruberto and Valerio Terragni and Tommaso Soru type: conference venue: “Mobile Services (MS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on” doi: 10.1109/MobServ.2015.14 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MS_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “Hybrid Mobile Apps in the Google Play Store: An Exploratory Investigation” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Stefano Ruberto and Tommaso Soru and Valerio Terragni type: conference venue: “Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), 2015 2nd ACM International Conference on” doi: 10.1109/MobileSoft.2015.15 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MobileSoft_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “Stakeholders, Viewpoints and Languages of a Modelling Framework for the Design and Development of Data-Intensive Mobile Apps” authors: Mirco Franzago and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “MobilENG 2014 Workshop, in conjunction with 5th international conference on Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD\&M) 2014, Paris, France” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MOBILEng_2014.pdf year: 2014
- title: “A family of Domain-Specific Languages for specifying Civilian Missions of Multi-Robot Systems” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering (MORSE)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MORSE_2014.pdf year: 2014
- title: “The Role of Parts in the System Behaviour” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - 6th International Workshop, SERENE 2014, Budapest, Hungary, October 15-16, 2014. Proceedings” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12241-0_3 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Serene_2014.pdf year: 2014
- title: “Enhancing Architecture Design Decisions Evolution with Group Decision Making Principles” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and V. Smrithi Rekha type: conference venue: “Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - 6th International Workshop, SERENE 2014, Budapest, Hungary, October 15-16, 2014. Proceedings” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12241-0_2 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Serene_2014_2.pdf year: 2014
- title: “The Road Ahead for Architectural Languages” authors: Patricia Lago and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Antony Tang type: article venue: “Software, IEEE” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/IEEESoftware_2015.pdf year: 2015
- title: “A Study on MDE Approaches for Engineering Wireless Sensor Networks” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on” doi: 10.1109/SEAA.2014.61 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAA_2014_MDE.pdf year: 2014
- title: “A Survey on the Specification of the Physical Environment of Wireless Sensor Networks” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on” doi: 10.1109/SEAA.2014.62 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAA_2014_ENV.pdf year: 2014
- title: “How do You Feel Today? Buggy!” authors: Giampiero Di Paolo and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on” doi: 10.1109/SEAA.2014.63 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SEAA_2014_MOOD.pdf year: 2014
- title: “Towards a collaborative framework for the design and development of data-intensive mobile applications” authors: Mirco Franzago and Henry Muccini and Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/MobileSoft_2014.pdf year: 2014
- title: “Architecture Description Leveraging Model Driven Engineering and Semantic Wikis” authors: Alessandro Baroni and Henry Muccini and Ivano Malavolta and Eoin Woods type: conference venue: “Software Architecture (WICSA), 2014 IEEE/IFIP Conference on” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/WICSA_2014.pdf year: 2014
- title: “What Industry Needs from Architectural Languages: A Survey” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Antony Tang type: article venue: “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering” doi: 10.1109/TSE.2012.74 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/TSE_2013.pdf year: 2013
- title: “Engineering a Platform for Mission Planning of Autonomous and Resilient Quadrotors” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - Fifth International Workshop, SERENE 2013” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Serene_2013.pdf year: 2013
- title: “On the Impact Significance of Metamodel Evolution in MDE” authors: Ludovico Iovino and Alfonso Pierantonio and Ivano Malavolta type: article venue: “Journal of Object Technology” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/JOT_2012.pdf year: 2012
- title: “On the Composition and Reuse of Viewpoints across Architecture Frameworks” authors: Rich Hilliard and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) \& 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) - WICSA/ECSA 2012” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/WICSA_2012.pdf year: 2012
- title: “Model-Driven Techniques to Enhance Architectural Languages Interoperability” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Alfonso Pierantonio type: conference venue: “Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/FASE_2012.pdf year: 2012
- title: “A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Architecting and Analysing Wireless Sensor Networks” authors: Krishna Doddapaneni and Enver Ever and Ivano Malavolta and Leonardo Mostarda and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2012), Zurich, Switzerland” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SESENA_2012.pdf year: 2012
- title: “Path Loss Effect on Energy Consumption in a WSN” authors: Krishna Doddapaneni and Enver Ever and Ivano Malavolta and Leonardo Mostarda and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (UKSIM)” doi: 10.1109/UKSim.2012.87 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/UKSIM_2012.pdf year: 2012
- title: “Software Architecture Modeling by Reuse, Composition and Customization” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: thesis venue: “University of L’Aquila” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/IvanoMalavoltaPhDThesisLight.pdf year: 2012
- title: “A tamper resistant Intrusion Detection System: a CORBA implementation” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: book venue: “LAP Lambert Academic Publishing” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “DUALLy: an Eclipse platform for architectural languages interoperability” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: book venue: “LAP Lambert Academic Publishing” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Exploiting Software Architecture to support Requirements Satisfaction Testing” authors: Paul Clements and Maria J. Escalona and Paola Inverardi and Ivano Malavolta and Eda Marchetti type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the the 8th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ESEC_FSE_2011.pdf year: 2011
- title: “Supporting Architectural Design Decisions Evolution through Model Driven Engineering” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and V. Smrithi Rekha type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2011)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Serene_2011.pdf year: 2011
- title: “Towards a graphical representation for the Æmilia Architecture Description Language” authors: Fabio Calvarese and Ivano Malavolta and Antinisca Di Marco type: conference venue: “2nd Quantitative Information Workshop (infQ)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/InfQ_2011.pdf year: 2011
- title: “A model-driven approach to automate the propagation of changes among Architecture Description Languages” authors: Romina Eramo and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Alfonso Pierantonio type: article venue: “Software and Systems Modeling” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/SoSyM_2009.pdf year: 2012
- title: “A model-driven approach for managing software architectures with multiple evolving concerns” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “ECSA 2010 (Doctoral Symposium), 4th European Conference on Software Architecture” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ECSA_2010_DS.pdf year: 2010
- title: “ByADL: an MDE framework for building extensible Architecture Description Languages” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Alfonso Pierantonio type: conference venue: “4th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2010)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ECSA_2010_DEMO.pdf year: 2010
- title: “Developing next generation ADLs through MDE techniques” authors: Davide Di Ruscio and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Alfonso Pierantonio type: conference venue: “32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2010.pdf year: 2010
- title: “Providing support for creating next generation software architecture languages” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “ACM Student Reseach Competition, Poster session at ICSE 2010” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSE_2010_SRC.pdf year: 2010
- title: “Providing Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability through Model Transformation Technologies” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione and Damien Tamburri type: article venue: “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering” doi: 10.1109/tse.2009.51 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/TSE_2010.pdf year: 2010
- title: “Realizing architecture frameworks through megamodelling techniques” authors: Rich Hilliard and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2010)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ASE_2010.pdf year: 2010
- title: “A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Component Models Interoperability” authors: Ivica Crnkovic and Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009)” doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02414-6_3 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/CBSE_2009.pdf year: 2009
- title: “Integrating AADL within a Multi-domain Modeling Framework” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems” doi: 10.1109/iceccs.2009.22 url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/UML_AADL_2009.pdf year: 2009
- title: “DUALLY: a framework for Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability” authors: Ivano Malavolta and Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione type: conference venue: “23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2008)” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ASE_2008.pdf year: 2008
- title: “DUALLY: un Framework per l’Interoperabilita’ tra Linguaggi e Tool Architetturali” authors: Ivano Malavolta type: conference venue: “Student Track Demo of the Third Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies, Eclipse-IT” doi: url: http://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/EclipseIT_2008.pdf year: 2008
- title: “From Legacy to Cloud: Risks and Benefits in Software Cloud Migration” authors: P. Lago and Anastasija Efremovska type: conference venue: “Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud” doi: url: year: 2017
- title: “Modeling Context with an Architecture Viewpoint” authors: Adriatik Bedjeti and P. Lago and {de Boer}, R.C. and Rich Hilliard type: conference venue: “International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA)” doi: url: year: 2017
- title: “Green ICT Assessment for Organisations” authors: A.C. Hankel and P. Lago and Gaston Heimeriks type: article venue: “Journal of ICT Standardization” doi: 10.13052/jicts2245-800X.421 url: year: 2017
- title: “Reality check for software engineering for sustainability—pragmatism required” authors: P. Lago and Birgit Penzenstadler type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: url: year: 2017
- title: “Editorial: Reality check for software engineering for sustainability—pragmatism required” authors: Patricia Lago and Birgit Penzenstadler type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: 10.1002/smr.1856 url: year: 2017
- title: “A Domain Model for Energy Efficient Self-Adaptive Software Systems” authors: Alizadeh Moghaddam, F. and R.T.C. Deckers and G. Procaccianti and P. Grosso and P. Lago type: conference venue: “The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA)” doi: url: year: 2017
- title: “A long way to quality-driven pattern-based architecting” authors: Gianantonio Me and Coral Calero and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Software Architecture - 10th European Conference, ECSA 2016, Proceedings” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48992-6_3 url: year: 2016
- title: “How organisations can assess and improve their green ICT activities in a standard and efficient way” authors: A.C. Hankel and P. Lago type: conference venue: “2016 ITU Kaleidoscope: ICTs for a Sustainable World, Bangkok, Thailand, November 14-16, 2016” doi: 10.1109/ITU-WT.2016.7805710 url: year: 2016
- title: “Green ICT Research and Challenges” authors: A.C. Hankel and P. Lago and G. Procaccianti and Roberto Verdecchia and Fabio Ricchiuti type: conference venue: “Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics. Progress in IS.” doi: url: year: 2016
- title: “Greening the Cloud” authors: {van den Hoed}, Robert and Eric Hoekstra and G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and Paola Grosso and Arie Taal and Kay Grosskop and {van Bergen}, Esther type: book venue: “Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), Publication Series Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), Faculty of Technology” doi: url: year: 2016
- title: “In Two Minds: How Reflections Influence Software Architecture Design Thinking: how reflections influence software design thinking” authors: Maryam Razavian and Anthony Tang and Rafael Capilla and Patricia Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: 10.1002/smr.1776 url: year: 2016
- title: “Reflective approach for software design decision making” authors: Maryam Razavian and Anthony Tang and Rafael Capilla and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings - 1st Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Software Architectures, QRASA 2016” doi: 10.1109/QRASA.2016.8 url: year: 2016
- title: “Message from the workshop chairs GREENS 2016” authors: Patricia Lago and Maurizio Morisio and Hausi Müller and Giuseppe Procaccianti and Giuseppe Scanniello type: article venue: “Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering” doi: 10.1109/GREENS.2016.006 url: year: 2016
- title: “Architectural patterns and quality attributes interaction” authors: G. Me and {Calero Munoz}, C. and P. Lago type: conference venue: “WICSA and CompArch” doi: 10.1109/QRASA.2016.10 url: year: 2016
- title: “Can we know upfront how to prioritize quality requirements?” authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Patricia Lago type: conference venue: “5th International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering, EmpiRE 2015 - Proceedings” doi: 10.1109/EmpiRE.2015.7431305 url: year: 2016
- title: “A Decision Model for Cyber-foraging Systems” authors: G.A. Lewis and P. Lago and P. Avgeriou type: conference venue: “13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, WICSA 2016, Venice, Italy, April 5-8, 2016” doi: 10.1109/WICSA.2016.38 url: year: 2016
- title: “Empirical Evaluation of Two Best-Practices for Energy-Efficient Software Development” authors: G. Procaccianti and H.J. Fernandez and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2016.02.035 url: year: 2016
- title: “Empirical Validation of Cyber-Foraging Architectural Tactics for Surrogate Provisioning” authors: Alizadeh Moghaddam, F. and G. Procaccianti and G.A. Lewis and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: url: year: 2016
- title: “Energy Efficiency of ORM Approaches: an Empirical Evaluation” authors: G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and W. Diesveld type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, ESEM 2016, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 8-9, 2016” doi: 10.1145/2961111.2962586 url: year: 2016
- title: “Feminine Expertise in Architecting Teams” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “IEEE Software” doi: 10.1109/ms.2015.84 url: year: 2016
- title: “How do Quality Requirements Contribute to Software Sustainability?” authors: O.N. Condori-Fernandez and P. Lago and Coral Calero type: conference venue: “Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2016 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Research Method Track, and Poster Track co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2016), Gothenburg, Sweden, March 14, 2016” doi: url: year: 2016
- title: “Software and Sustainability” authors: P. Lago type: book venue: “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” doi: url: year: 2016
- title: “Software Energy Profiling: Comparing Releases of a Software Product” authors: E.A. Jagroep and {van der Werf}, J.M.E.M. and G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and Sjaak Brinkkemper and L. Blom and {van Vliet}, Rob type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016, Austin, TX, USA, May 14-22, 2016 - Companion Volume” doi: 10.1145/2889160.2889216 url: year: 2016
- title: “Software that meets its intent” authors: Marieke Huisman and Herbert Bos and Sjaak Brinkkemper and {van Deursen}, Arie and Groote, {Jan Friso} and Patricia Lago and {van de Pol}, Jaco and Eelco Visser type: conference venue: “Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Discussion, Dissemination, Applications - 7th International Symposium, ISoLA 2016, Proceedings” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47169-3_47 url: year: 2016
- title: “The Green Lab: Experimentation in Software Energy Efficiency” authors: Giuseppe Procaccianti and Patricia Lago and Antonio Vetrò and Mendez Fernandez, Daniel and Roel Wieringa type: conference venue: “Proceedings - 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2015” doi: 10.1109/ICSE.2015.297 url: year: 2015
- title: “A Catalog of Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging” authors: G.A. Lewis and P. Lago type: conference venue: “International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA)” doi: 10.1145/2737182.2737188 url: year: 2015
- title: “A Decision-Making Model for Adopting Green ICT Strategies” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and P. Bozzelli type: conference venue: “Green in Software Engineering” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08581-4_12 url: year: 2015
- title: “A Master Program on Engineering Energy-Aware Software” authors: P. Lago type: conference venue: “28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection” doi: url: year: 2015
- title: “A Maturity Model for Green ICT: The Case of the SURF Green ICT Maturity Model” authors: A. Hankel and L. Oud and M. Saan and P. Lago type: conference venue: “EnviroInfo 2014 - 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection” doi: url: year: 2015
- title: “Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging: Results of a Systematic Literature Review” authors: G.A. Lewis and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2015.06.005 url: year: 2015
- title: “A systematic literature review on Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures” authors: G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and S. Bevini type: article venue: “Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM)” doi: 10.1016/j.suscom.2014.11.004 url: year: 2015
- title: “A systematic literature review on SOA migration” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Software-Evolution and Process” doi: 10.1002/smr.1712 url: year: 2015
- title: “A user perspective on energy profiling tools in large scale computing environments” authors: {Alizadeh Moghaddam}, F. and T. Geenen and P. Lago and P. Grosso type: conference venue: “Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT)” doi: 10.1109/SustainIT.2015.7101364 url: year: 2015
- title: “Challenges and opportunities for sustainable software” authors: P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering” doi: 10.1109/PLEASE.2015.8 url: year: 2015
- title: “Characterization of Cyber-foraging Usage Contexts” authors: G.A. Lewis and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-23727-5_16 url: year: 2015
- title: “Economic Aspects of Green ICT” authors: H.J. Fernandez and G. Procaccianti and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Green in Software Engineering” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08581-4_5 url: year: 2015
- title: “Energy efficient networking solutions in cloud-based environments: a systematic literature review” authors: Alizadeh Moghaddam, F. and P. Lago and P. Grosso type: article venue: “ACM Computing Surveys” doi: 10.1145/2764464 url: year: 2015
- title: “Framing Sustainability as a Property of Software Quality” authors: P. Lago and Aklini Kocak, S. and I. Crnkovic and B. Penzensradler type: article venue: “Communications of the ACM” doi: 10.1145/2714560 url: year: 2015
- title: “Guidance on applying Green ICT in Higher Education and Research” authors: A.C. Hankel and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th EnviroInfo and 3rd ICT4S Conference 2015” doi: url: year: 2015
- title: “In Two Minds: How Reflections Influence Software Design Thinking” authors: M. Razavian and A. Tang and R. Capilla and P. Lago type: book venue: “VU University Amsterdam” doi: url: year: 2015
- title: “Proceedings 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA)” authors: P. Lago and P. Kruchten and L. Bass type: book venue: “IEEE Press” doi: 10.1109/WICSA.2015.2 url: year: 2015
- title: “Social Debt in Software Engineering: Insights from Industry” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Kruchten and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: article venue: “Journal of Internet Services and Applications” doi: 10.1186/s13174-015-0024-6 url: year: 2015
- title: “The Green Practitioner: A Decision-Making Tool for Green ICT” authors: Karl Lundfall and Paola Grosso and Patricia Lago and Giuseppe Procaccianti type: conference venue: “EnviroInfo and ICT4S 2015” doi: 10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.9 url: year: 2015
- title: “2nd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2013)” authors: P. Lago and N. Meyer and M. Morisio and H. Muller and G. Scanniello type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Volume” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS 2013)” authors: D. Bianculli and P. Lago and G.A. Lewis and H.-Y. Paik type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Volume” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “A Catalogue of Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud” authors: G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and G.A. Lewis type: conference venue: “International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems (MESOCA)” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “A lean and mean strategy: a data migration industrial study” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: 10.1002/smr.1613 url: year: 2014
- title: “Architecting in Networked Organizations” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and C. Dorn and R. Hilliard type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture - WICSA” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging: Preliminary Results from a Systematic Literature Review” authors: G.A. Lewis and P. Lago and G. Procaccianti type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-09970-5_15 url: year: 2014
- title: “A systematic literature review of green software metrics” authors: P. Lago and Q. Gu and P. Bozzelli type: book venue: “VU Technical Report” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures” authors: G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and G.A. Lewis type: conference venue: “Proceedings of ICT.OPEN 2013” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud” authors: G. Procaccianti and P. Lago and G.A. Lewis type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture” doi: 10.1109/WICSA.2014.30 url: year: 2014
- title: “Leveraging Energy Efficiency to Software Users” authors: P. Lago and N. Meyer and M. Morisio and H. Muller and G. Scanniello type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/2557833.2557859 url: year: 2014
- title: “Migration to Services: A Systematic Literature Review” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “Towards a framework for the development of adaptable service-based applications” authors: S. Lane and Q. Gu and P. Lago and I. Richardson type: article venue: “Service Oriented Computing and Applications” doi: 10.1007/s11761-013-0136-4 url: year: 2014
- title: “Why is Aligning Economic- and IT Services so Difficult?” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago and J. Gordijn type: conference venue: “International Conference on Exploring Services Science, IESS 2014” doi: url: year: 2014
- title: “3D Architecture Viewpoints on Service Automation” authors: Q. Gu and F. Cuadrado and P. Lago and J.C. Duenas type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.12.035 url: year: 2013
- title: “A Categorization of Green Practices used by Dutch Data Centers” authors: P. Lago and Q. Gu and H. Muccini and S. Potenza type: conference venue: “3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Data Management to the Cloud: a Case Study in a Telecommunication Company” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and S. Potenza type: conference venue: “International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems (MESOCA)” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Dynamic Networked Organizations for Software Engineering” authors: D.A. Tamburri and {De Boer}, R. and {Di Nitto}, E. and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “SSE 2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Social Software Engineering” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures” authors: G. Procaccianti and S. Bevini and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics – Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Estimating the Economic Value of Reusable Green ICT Practices” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Expanding IEEE 42030 with energy efficiency and environmental sustainability - A message from GREENS to Group 42” authors: P. Lago type: book venue: “ISO/IEC/IEEE” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Measuring the degree of service orientation in proprietary SOA systems” authors: P. Lago and A. Aldris and A. Nugroho and J. Visser type: conference venue: “IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Organizational Social Structures for Software Engineering” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: article venue: “ACM Computing Surveys” doi: 10.1145/2522968.2522971 url: year: 2013
- title: “Service Networks for Development Communities” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013)” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Teaching Software Design with Social Engagement” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and M. Razavian type: conference venue: “26th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “Uncovering latent social communities in software development” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: article venue: “IEEE Software” doi: 10.1109/MS.2012.170 url: year: 2013
- title: “What is Social Debt in Software Engineering” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Kruchten and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 6th Inernational Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2013)” doi: url: year: 2013
- title: “A Lean and Mean Strategy for Migration to Services” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: conference venue: “WICSA/ECSA 2012 Proceedings Companion Volume” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “Aligning economic impact with environmental benefits: a green strategy model” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and S. Potenza type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS)” doi: 10.1109/GREENS.2012.6224258 url: year: 2012
- title: “An empirical study of learning by osmosis in global software engineering” authors: P. Lago and H. Muccini and M.A. Babar type: article venue: “Journal of Software: Evolution and process” doi: 10.1002/smr.565 url: year: 2012
- title: “A Pragmatic Approach for Analysis and Design of Service Inventories” authors: P. Lago and M. Razavian type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “Architecting in Global Software Engineering” authors: B. Tekinerdogan and S. Cetin and M.A. Babar and P. Lago and J. Makio type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/2088883.2088900 url: year: 2012
- title: “A Viewpoint for Dealing with Change in Migration to Services” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Joint Working Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “Modeling to Support Communication and Engineering of Service-Oriented Software” authors: M. Razavian and D.A. Tamburri and Q. Gu and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of ICSE 2012” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “On the Nature of GSE Organizational Social Structures: an Empirical Study” authors: D.A. Tamburri and {van Vliet}, H. and P. Lago and {Di Nitto}, E. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 7th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE)” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “Research Challenges on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications” authors: {Di Nitto}, E. and D. Meliander and D. Gorlatch and A. Metzger and H. Psaier and S. Dustdar and M. Razavian and D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of ICSE 2012” doi: url: year: 2012
- title: “Special issue: Selected papers from the 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2011)” authors: P. Lago and R. Hilliard type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.05.002 url: year: 2012
- title: “Architectural Knowledge Management Practices in Agile Global Software Development” authors: V. Clerc and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “First Workshop on Architecting Global Software Development Systems (AGSE)” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “A Survey of SOA Migration in Industry” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “A Taxonomy of Service Engineering Stakeholder Types” authors: Q. Gu and M. Parkin and P. Lago type: conference venue: “ServiceWave 2011” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Creating Environmental Awareness in Service Oriented Software Engineering” authors: P. Lago and T. Jansen type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-19394-1_19 url: year: 2011
- title: “Editorial Proceedings Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA)” authors: P. Lago and R. Hilliard and R. Sawgan type: book venue: “IEEE Computer Society” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Emerging Issues in Relating Software Requirements and Architecture” authors: P. Avgeriou and J. Grundy and J.G. Hall and P. Lago and I. Mistrik type: conference venue: “Relating Software Requirements and Architectures” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21001-3 url: year: 2011
- title: “Empirical research in software architecture: opportunities, challenges, and approaches” authors: M.A. Babar and P. Lago and {van Deursen}, A. type: article venue: “Empirical Software Engineering” doi: 10.1007/s10664-011-9168-6 url: year: 2011
- title: “Going Global with Agile Service Networks” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: other venue: “” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Guiding the selection of service-oriented software engineering methodologies” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: article venue: “Service Oriented Computing and Applications” doi: 10.1007/s11761-011-0080-0 url: year: 2011
- title: “Leveraging Software Architectures through the ISO/IEC 42010 standard: A Feasibility Study” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and H. Muccini type: conference venue: “Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16819-2_6 url: year: 2011
- title: “Relating Software Requirements and Architectures” authors: P. Avgeriou and J. Grundy and J.G. Hall and P. Lago and I. Mistrik type: book venue: “Springer-Verlag” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21001-3 url: year: 2011
- title: “Satisfying Cloud Computing Requirements through Agile Service Networks” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of SERVICES 2011” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Supporting Communication and Cooperation in Global Software Development with Agile Service Networks” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “The lonesome architect” authors: J.F. Hoorn and R. Farenhorst and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, J.C. type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2010.11.909 url: year: 2011
- title: “Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews” authors: J. Grundy and P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and J.G. Hall and I. Mistrik type: conference venue: “Relating Software Requirements and Architectures” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21001-3 url: year: 2011
- title: “The S-Cube Knowledge Model - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities” authors: V. Andrikopoulos and M. Parkin and M. Papazoglou and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing” doi: 10.5220/0003662102010210 url: year: 2011
- title: “Tools and Techniques” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and J. Grundy and J.G. Hall and I. Mistrik type: conference venue: “Relating Software Requirements and Architectures” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21001-3 url: year: 2011
- title: “Using the Cloud to Facilitate Global Software Development Challenges” authors: S. Hashimi and V. Clerc and M. Razavian and C. Manteli and P. Lago and {Di Nitto}, E. and I. Richardson and D.A. Tamburri type: conference venue: “5th International Workshop on Tool Support and Requirements Management in Distributed Projects (REMIDI’11)” doi: url: year: 2011
- title: “Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge: (SHARK 2011)” authors: P. Avgeriou and P. Lago and P. Kruchten type: conference venue: “Proceeding of the 33rd international conference on Software engineering (ICSE ‘11)” doi: 10.1145/1985793.1986055 url: year: 2011
- title: “A Frame of Reference for SOA Migration” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Towards a Service-Based Internet, Third European Conference, ServiceWave 2010” doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-17694-4_13 url: year: 2010
- title: “An Architecture Description Viewpoint Wiki based on the Semantic Web Paradigm” authors: D.A. Tamburri and P. Lago and H. Muccini type: book venue: “VU University Press” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Architecture Views illustrating the Service Automation Aspect of SOA” authors: Q. Gu and F. Cuadrado and P. Lago and J.C. Duenas type: conference venue: “Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet: S-Cube - Towards Engineering, Managing and Adapting Service-Based Systems” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “A Template for SOA Design Decision Making in an Educational Setting” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 36th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Application (SEAA)” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Families of SOA Migration” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: conference venue: “International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2010” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Fifth international workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge” authors: P. Avgeriou and P. Lago and P. Kruchten type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 2” doi: 10.1145/1810295.1810417 url: year: 2010
- title: “Notes on Design Reasoning Techniques” authors: A. Tang and P. Lago type: book venue: “Swinburne University of Technology” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Organizing a Software Architecture Body of Knowledge” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and P. Kruchten type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/1838687.1838696 url: year: 2010
- title: “Service identification methods: a systematic literature review” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “The GRIFFIN Collaborative Virtual Community for Architectural Knowledge Management” authors: P. Lago and R. Farenhorst and P. Avgeriou and {de Boer}, R.C. and V. Clerc and A.J. Jansen and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Collaborative Software Engineering: Challenges and Prospects” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “The SAPIENSA Approach for Service-enabling Pre-existing Legacy Assets” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago and D.K Nguyen and van den Heuvel, W.J type: conference venue: “International Workshop on SOA Migration and Evolution - SOAME 2010 Workshop Proceedings” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “The Service Greenery: Integrating Sustainability In Service Oriented Software” authors: P. Lago and T. Jansen and Marten Jansen type: conference venue: “ICSE Companion - Second International Workshop on Software Research and Climate Change” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “T.R. – Informatie van de Stichting Nederlands Studiecentrum voor Administratieve Automatisering” authors: H. Bierman and P. Huijbers and P. Lago and K. Millis and S. Poppe type: article venue: “Informatie” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Understanding SOA Migration Using a Conceptual Framework” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems Integration” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “Using Wikis to Support Architectural Knowledge Management in Global Software Development” authors: V. Clerc and {de Vries}, E. and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings 5th International Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK)” doi: url: year: 2010
- title: “A Scoped Approach to Traceability Management” authors: P. Lago and H. Muccini and van Vliet, H. type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2008.08.026 url: year: 2009
- title: “Designing a Multi-disciplinary Software Engineering Project” authors: P. Lago and J.J.P. Schalken and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Establishing and Managing Knowledge Sharing Networks” authors: P. Lago type: conference venue: “Software Architecture Knowledge Management: Theory and Practice” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Exploring service-oriented system engineering challenges: a systematic literature review” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: article venue: “Service Oriented Computing and Applications” doi: 10.1007/s11761-009-0046-7 url: year: 2009
- title: “Fourth international workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the 2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Volume” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Fourth international workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge (SHARK 2009)” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and P. Kruchten type: conference venue: “31st International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Volume” doi: 10.1109/ICSE-COMPANION.2009.5071055 url: year: 2009
- title: “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Design decisions and design rationale in software architectures” authors: M.A. Babar and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2009.05.053 url: year: 2009
- title: “Guiding the Service Engineering Process: the Importance of Service Aspects” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and Di Nitto, E. type: conference venue: “IFIP Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “On Service-Oriented Architectural Concerns and Viewpoints” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 8th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA`08)” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Ontology-Driven Visualization of Architectural Design Decisions” authors: de Boer, R.C. and P. Lago and A. Telea and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 2009 Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2009” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Software Architecture Knowledge Management: Theory and Practice” authors: Ali Babar, M. and T. Dingsøyr and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: book venue: “Springer Verlag” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Software Service Engineering: Tenets and Challenges” authors: van den Heuvel, W.-J. and O. Zimmermann and F. Leymann and P. Lago and I. Schieferdecker and U. Zdun and P. Avgeriou type: conference venue: “International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service Oriented Systems” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “The GRIFFIN Project: Lessons Learned” authors: van Vliet, H. and P. Avgeriou and de Boer, R.C. and V. Clerc and R. Farenhorst and A.J. Jansen and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Software Architecture Knowledge Management - Theory and Practice” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “The lonesome architect” authors: R. Farenhorst and J.F. Hoorn and P. Lago and H. Vliet type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on software architecture, 2009 & European Conference on software architecture” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “The Usefulness of Architectural Knowledge Management Practices in GSD” authors: V. Clerc and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE)” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Towards a Conceptual Framework for Legacy to SOA Migration” authors: M. Razavian and P. Lago type: article venue: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” doi: url: year: 2009
- title: “Towards using architectural knowledge” authors: P. Avgeriou and P. Lago and P. Kruchten type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/1507195.1507219 url: year: 2009
- title: “A just-In-Time Architectural Knowledge Sharing Platform” authors: R. Farenhorst and R. Izaks and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings Seventh Working IEEE-IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2008)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “Architectural Knowledge: Getting to the Core” authors: de Boer, R.C. and R. Farenhorst and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. and V. Clerc and A.J. Jansen type: conference venue: “Software Architectures, Components and Applications. Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2007)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “Developing a Course on Designing Software in Globally Distributed Teams” authors: P. Lago and H. Muccini and Ali Babar, M. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2008)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “GSEEM: Teaching Software Engineering in a European and Global Setting” authors: P. Lago and H. Muccini and L. Beus-Dukic and I. Crnkovic and S. Punnekkat type: article venue: “The International journal of engineering education” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2008)” authors: P. Avgeriou and P. Lago and P. Kruchten type: conference venue: “Companion to the Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2008)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “SOA Process Decisions: New Challenges in Architectural Knowledge Modeling” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Third Workshop on SHAring and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK), ICSE” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “Software engineering article types: An analysis of the literature” authors: M. Montesi and P. Lago type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2007.11.723 url: year: 2008
- title: “The Architect’s Mindset” authors: V. Clerc and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Software Architectures, Components and Applications. Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2007)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “Wishes and Boundaries for a Software Architecture Knowledge Community” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and R. Capilla and P. Kruchten type: conference venue: “Proceedings of the Seventh Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2008)” doi: url: year: 2008
- title: “A Model for exploring the Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) challenges” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Second European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing (YRSOC)” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Architectural knowledge and rationale: issues, trends, challenges” authors: P. Avgeriou and P. Kruchten and P. Lago and P. Grisham and D. Perry type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/1281421.1281443 url: year: 2007
- title: “Assessing a Multi-Site Development Organization for Architectural Compliance” authors: V. Clerc and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 6th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “A stakeholder-driven service life cycle model for SOA” authors: Q. Gu and P. Lago type: conference venue: “Proceedings 2nd international Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSWE ‘07), in Conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE Joint Meeting” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “EAGLE: Effective Tool Support for Sharing Architectural Knowledge” authors: R. Farenhorst and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: article venue: “International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems” doi: 10.1142/S0218843007001706 url: year: 2007
- title: “Effective Tool Support for Architectural Knowledge Sharing” authors: R. Farenhorst and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings First European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2007)” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Global Software Development: Are Architectural Rules the Answer?” authors: V. Clerc and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings Second IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2007)” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Prerequisites for Successful Architectural Knowledge Sharing” authors: R. Farenhorst and P. Lago and {van Vliet}, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 2007 Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2007)” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge - Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou and P. Kruchten and P. Grisham and D. Perry type: conference venue: “ICSE Companion, SHARK workshop” doi: 10.1109/ICSECOMPANION.2007.65 url: year: 2007
- title: “Sidebar – Software Architecture” authors: P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Towards a European Master Programme on Global Software Engineering” authors: P. Lago and H. Muccini and L. Beus-Dukic and I. Crnkovoc and S. Punnekkat and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 20th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training” doi: url: year: 2007
- title: “Building up and Exploiting Architectural Knowledge” authors: P. Kruchten and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. and {de Wolf}, T. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA`05)” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “Building up and Reasoning about Architectural Knowledge” authors: P. Kruchten and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Quality of Software Architectures, Proceedings 2nd International Conference” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “First workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge” authors: P. Lago and P. Avgeriou type: article venue: “SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes” doi: 10.1145/1163514.1163526 url: year: 2006
- title: “Rationale promotes Learning about Architectural Knowledge” authors: T. Dingsøyr and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “Recovering Architectural Assumptions” authors: R. Roeller and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: article venue: “Journal of Systems and Software” doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2005.10.017 url: year: 2006
- title: “Software Architecture of Wireless Services” authors: J. Kaloja and T. Ihme and P. Lago and E. Niemela and M. Torchiano type: conference venue: “Developing Services for the Wireless Internet” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “Structuring Architecture Project Memories” authors: de Boer, R.C. and R. Farenhorst and V. Clerc and van der Ven, J.J.M. and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “What’s in Constructing a Domain Model for Sharing Architectural Knowledge” authors: R. Farenhorst and de Boer, R.C. and R. Deckers and P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 18th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2006)” doi: url: year: 2006
- title: “Explicit Assumptions enrich Architectural Models” authors: P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 27th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2005)” doi: url: year: 2005
- title: “Exploring Communities of Practice for Product Family Engineering” authors: T.E. Fægri and B. Decker and T. Dingsøyr and L. Jaccheri and P. Lago and D. Muthig and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Professional Knowledge Management, Proceedings 3rd Biennial Conference (WM2005)” doi: url: year: 2005
- title: “Teaching a course in Software Architecture” authors: P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings Eighteenth Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training” doi: url: year: 2005
- title: “Observations from the Recovery of a Software Product Family” authors: P. Lago and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Software Product Lines, Proceedings 3rd International Conference (SPLC 2004)” doi: url: year: 2004
- title: “Tool Support for Traceable Product Derivation” authors: P. Lago and E. Niemelä and van Vliet, H. type: conference venue: “Proceedings 8th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR2004)” doi: url: year: 2004