SustainableCloud Project received funding by NWO

The NWO Domain Board Science has approved seventeen grant applications in the Open Competition Domain Science-M programme. The topics vary from studying how to make cloud software more sustainable to deciphering the social brain or developing a recyclable extraction tool to catch radioactive cesium from wastewater. M-grants are intended for innovative, high-quality, fundamental research and/or studies involving matters of scientific urgency. SustainableCloud project is one of the 17 projects funded under the Open Competition Domain Science-M programme.

SustainableCloud Project - Making cloud software more sustainable

Software is everywhere these days, creating an ever-increasing and urgent responsibility for software systems creators to ensure a sustainable world for future generations. Moving more and more software to the cloud makes this already difficult task even more complicated. In this project, we aim to answer the fundamental questions about how sustainability is affected by the way software running in the cloud is structured, and in doing so, develop tools that help make software more sustainable.

This project is part of the project SustainableCloud (OCENW.M20.243) of the research programme Open Competition which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

More details here