The SustainableCloud Project (OCENW.M20.243) of the research programme Open Competition which is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
The project aims to develop a sustainability-aware architecting framework specifically for cloud-based software services which incorporates all dimensions of system sustainability. In order to achieve this goal, we will also create solid architecting tools, methods, and guidelines for delivering sustainability-aware cloud-based software services. By these means, SustainableCloud will actively contribute to developing a sustainability-aware future cloud.
Fatima, I., Lago, P., Andrikopoulos, V., & van der Waaij, B. (2025). Using sustainability impact scores for software architecture evaluation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.17004.
Lago, P., Condori Fernandez, N., Fatima, I., et al. (2024). The sustainability assessment framework toolkit: A decade of modeling experience. Software & Systems Modeling.
Fatima, I., Funke, M., & Lago, P. (2024). Providing guidance to software practitioners: A framework for creating KPIs. IEEE Software.
Fatima, I., & Lago, P. (2024). Software architecture assessment for sustainability: A case study. In Galster, M., Scandurra, P., Mikkonen, T., Oliveira Antonino, P., Nakagawa, E. Y., & Navarro, E. (Eds.), Software architecture. ECSA 2024 (Vol. 14889). Springer, Cham.
Banijamali, P., Fatima, I., Lago, P., & Heitlager, I. (2024). Unveiling key performance indicators for the energy efficiency of cloud data storage. 2024 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), Hyderabad, India, 222-229.
Bamiduro, M., Fatima, I., Lago, P., & Vos, S. (Accepted/In press). Challenges in incorporating sustainability practices in the software lifecycle. In Software Business. ICSOB 2024 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing). Springer Nature.
Fatima, I., & Lago, P. (2023). Towards a sustainability-aware software architecture evaluation for cloud-based software services. In 1st International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture, co-located with ECSA 2023.
Fatima, I., & Lago, P. (2023). A review of software architecture evaluation methods for sustainability assessment. In 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C). IEEE.
Fatima, I. (2023). Sustainability-aware software architecting for the future cloud. In 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C). IEEE.
Fatima, I. (2025). Replication package: Using sustainability impact scores for software architecture evaluation (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Fatima, I., & Lago, P. (2024). Software architecture assessment for sustainability: A case study (v1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Bamiduro, M., Fatima, I., Lago, P., & Vos, S. (2024). Challenges in incorporating sustainability practices in the software lifecycle (1.0.1) [Data set]. The 15th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), Utrecht, The Netherlands. Zenodo.